North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

North and South I found to be an… okay book. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad. In fact to me it fell just short of good. I found Mr. Hales reason for changing vocations to an occupation that paid much less to not make sense and have no sense of realism, as I find it hard to believe anyone no matter how much integrity they have would take that much of a pay cut and risk because of a struggle with faith.

I enjoyed the relationship with Margaret and Mr. Thornton, and deeply appreciate when a female character assists in the male characters growth. My respect grew deeply for Margaret when she threw herself in front of Mr. Thornton saving him from the angry mob, and deeply sympathized with the man when Margaret so bluntly rejected his love afterwards.

Mr. Thorntons class and integrity won me over as despite being so cruelly rejected, he didn’t let it alter how he felt about Margaret, and wouldn’t let himself avoid her. When he came to Margarets rescue when she got into trouble with the law, I applauded the man’s character and vouched that’s how a man behaves.

I also found Margaret’s ability to push on despite the losses and griefs she experiences to be the definition of bravery, and the pay off she receives for that bravery in the end of the book to be bitter sweet. Without spoilers I can not tell you my opinion on how the book finishes, but I will say that I love the outline of the book but not so much the execution.

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